W Amsterdam answears The top dating questions women want to know from men

W Amsterdam answears: The top dating questions women want to know from men

Men should be well-versed in all aspects of dating, from simply being themselves to knowing how to properly follow up after a date…
Is she interested in me? Is she losing interest in things? How do I go about handling this situation? Do you think it’s too soon to send a voice note? Have you been doing this for a while now, waiting for his response? Do you believe that she needs to answer in a more timely manner? Do you really want to know what I think?
Have you ever read something that made your eyes hurt so much? You are not to blame for this. The recent lockdown has made dating more difficult than it ever was, and it is even more difficult today. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your circumstances are; dating during the pandemic has been difficult for everyone. The problems you’ve been having in your romantic life are not due to Covid-19. Dating will be considerably more challenging in the aftermath of the pandemic.
Dating might be extremely challenging when we are restricted for the entirety of the year.
If you have ever browsed endlessly seeking for hidden messages, panicked about where to meet up, or suffered through the worst first date you could possibly imagine, you are not alone in any of these experiences. ‘What is it that women want?’ is a question that has probably been posed by other guys before you, therefore you are not the first man to ask it.
Even though I can’t speak for all women, I can tell you what many women want men to know about dating if they want them to get back into the game. If you want to get back into the dating game, read on. If reading this post results in a successful romantic endeavor, you owe me a beverage. I won’t be the one to ask you out on a date.
Be sure to plan far in advance of the event.

And with that, your work here is finished. You’ve finally worked up the nerve to ask out the person you’ve wanted to date since the beginning of time. Whether it was on Bumble or Hinge, or even maybe, (gasp!) in real life, it did happen. Maybe it wasn’t as romantic as a Hollywood meet-cute, but it did happen. You are doing quite well, whatever the matter may be. You have not misinterpreted any signals to this point, and there is some interest.
Despite the fact that we have made positive progress thus far, we must not become complacent. We are working toward the goal of having a plan in place by the end of this year. It’s not enough to ask someone, “Would you like to meet me at the tube station and we can go to the park?” Even though it only happened to me once, I consider that one experience to be one too many. Because we didn’t have any plans, we ended up walking by a lot of great bars out of fear that each of us wouldn’t feel comfortable there. The discussion was stilted and uninviting, and we quickly ran out of things to say to one another.
Is there a straightforward answer to the planning challenge at hand? Choose a location, and put some thought into it. Have you heard her remark that she is a vegetarian? Why not propose a place that serves vegetarian food? Is she a die-hard fan of the game of mini-golf? That’s going to be your date. Laziness and nonchalance aren’t exactly sexy traits, but consideration and initiative definitely can be.
When getting ready for the date, make sure to keep your comfort zone in mind.

As we’ve seen, having some sort of game plan is absolutely necessary. On the other hand, it would be to your advantage to hold back from going too far. If you do not make the date feel natural and comfortable for yourself, your date will not feel comfortable either. You want the date to feel natural and comfortable for you. When someone picks a date who is overdressed and doesn’t know anything about the venue, they are setting themselves up for a significant amount of disappointment. A night that might have been enjoyable is ruined by the host’s insistence on maintaining an artificial air of formality and by the guest’s poor choice of attire. This very specific incident occurred to me at a five-star hotel in Kensington, and unfortunately, it was not a good experience.
I also had the extremely generous offer of someone else cooking for me at some point in the future. Even if it is a wonderful thing to be offered, it is not the best situation when the other person doesn’t know how to cook anything more complicated than cereal and expects you to do the majority of the cooking instead. Again, this is not a very comfortable situation. What is the takeaway from this? Create a date that will showcase your talents while also being convenient for you. If you’re relaxed, we’ll be relaxed too.
We are not interested in seeing the charismatic, sophisticated, Martini-drinking version of you; rather, we want to see the “real” you. That is a cliche, yet it couldn’t be more accurate.
During the course of the date, make sure to keep a calm and respectful demeanor.

Do not inquire as to the reason why she has not yet found a partner. The vast majority of men believe that it is a praise, but in reality, it is not. However, it is a question that men commonly ask women, and we are at a loss as to what we should answer in response to it. My most recent experience with it was when someone added in the word “beautiful,” which sounded phony (at the time, we were in the midst of hay fever season).
Discussing topics that women find unappealing is one of the most effective ways to avoid upsetting them. On the first date, if we want to pay for ourselves or even for you, then you should give us permission to do so.
In addition to this, consent is quite important. Before engaging in any activity, it is imperative that you speak things over with someone. Always make sure you are paying attention to both your tone of voice and your body language. On the other hand, this does not imply that we want you to give up on the romance. It is a vital inquiry, but it does not often come across as natural. However, if the very act of asking it does not cause you any pain or embarrassment, then you have probably chosen the perfect time to do so.
It is accurate to assume that she is not interested in developing the situation further if she gives the impression that she is not. In this scenario, we ought to proceed with our plans.
Follow up after the date even if you aren’t interested in the person in question.

It is OK that the day you desired could not be accommodated due to unforeseen circumstances. Not everyone is suited for romantic relationships. Do not, however, send her a ghost message; this is a serious and sorrowful request from the female population.
Maintain a positive attitude toward her, eliminate all potential for misunderstanding, and be kind to her. Send her a note that is cordial and respectful, explain how you feel, and make sure she knows how you feel about her.
If she decides not to pursue things further between the two of you, don’t moan about being stuck in the “friend zone.” Continue using the same courteous and respectful tone, and be nice and respectful if she sincerely expresses a desire to continue their friendship.
Instead, focus on how fortunate you are to have made a new buddy and connection. You need to get back into dating when you’ve finished working over your previous dating experience…

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