Here are 30 natural ways to boost your libido Amsterdam way

Here are 30 natural ways to boost your libido. Amsterdam way

Make sure to keep yourself busy tonight.

Regular sexual activity stimulates the synthesis of testosterone, which is the principal hormone that is accountable for libido. This benefit accrues to both men and women.
It is highly recommended that you give up smoking immediately.

If you are a smoker, you should discuss getting a nicotine patch with your primary care physician. Why is that? Similar to how smoking narrows and hardens the arteries in your heart, it can also reduce blood flow via the blood vessels in your penis. Have you ever heard of a more compelling justification for giving up smoking?
Take into consideration any medications you are currently taking.

First, you should make a list of all of the medications you are currently taking, and then you should look for any potential spoilers. More than two hundred different medications, including treatments for high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, and stomach disorders, are known to cause issues with getting and maintaining an erection as well as a decrease in sexual desire. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to see if any of the medications on your list could possibly be causing the issue. You cannot stop taking a drug that is necessary for your health, but you and your doctor can talk about adjusting the medication’s brand, dose, or when it should be taken.
Get away from everything and relax.

Make plans for a hot and humid getaway right now. Spending time together visualizing where you’d go, looking at images online, and envisioning yourself in some tropical paradise will improve your libido even if you don’t travel (or aren’t able to go owing to Covid). Spending time together visualizing where you’d go looking at pictures online. envisioning yourself in some tropical paradise. It’s also a topic that’s a lot more intriguing to talk about than, say, the reason why your teenager is struggling in geometry.
Performing Kegel exercises on a regular basis is highly recommended.

Are you familiar with the term “Kegels,” which refers to a series of squeezing exercises that may have been recommended by your physician following pregnancy or for the treatment of incontinence? The fact that they also strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle, which is necessary for orgasm, is most likely something that your physician did not tell you. Kegels are exercises in which the muscle that is used to stop the flow of urine is actively contracted and then gradually released. Perform 20 contractions at each of the three times per day.
Make pasta for dinner.

Tonight, pesto should be served over spaghetti. Pine nuts are:
A rich source of the amino acid arginine.
The substance that comes before nitric oxide.
A important element in medications like Viagra.
When blood arteries are opened by arginine, there is an increase in blood flow.
Teenagers should act like teenagers.

Make out with your significant other in the back row of a movie (or at a drive-in if one is still operating in your area during the pandemic). Since it mixes doing something that is illegal with doing something that is frustrating, you can expect that it will get your creative juices going.
Establish communication with your partner.

Make it a habit to touch or kiss your partner whenever you come across them. These intimate encounters shouldn’t finish with only a few kisses and hugs. The more intimately you are physically connected to your lover, the stronger your desire will become for them. Try out these little-known strategies to make your marriage more fulfilling and intimate.
Here are some foods that will help you feel more full.

When you eat yogurt or cereal, incorporate one tablespoon of wheat germ into your diet. The production of this vital hormone, testosterone, requires zinc-rich wheat germ as an ingredient. Oysters are another source of zinc, in addition to meat, eggs, and shellfish, which can all be found in seafood. Consuming these aphrodisiac meals can bring to an increase in sexual desire.
Take on the roles of a young married couple.

When you are at a party or out in public, take a few seconds to turn your head and look at your partner across the room. When one person in a relationship begins to take the other’s presence for granted, the connection between them begins to deteriorate. Could you not do it?
Plan a sultry movie marathon for your friends.

You should watch an erotica video with your partner. Talk about the things you like and dislike not only during but also before and after sexual activity.
Consider reading the book “Fifty Shades of Grey.”

You can make your companion giggle by reading a racy “bodice ripper.” Put yourself in the position of the alluring protagonist and the handsome but potentially dangerous man she loves.
Make sure you keep an eye out.

Always keep your eyes open when you’re kissing or doing anything else intimate. When these situations arise, staring into the eyes of your spouse is an effective way to communicate honesty and trust.
Share with us anything is going through your head.

Specifically, express whatever is going through your head in a sexual sense. If you tell your husband that you feel a special weakness in your legs whenever you watch him sweat off the stump in the backyard, he will understand why you feel the need to confess it to him. You will feel relieved that you made the decision to marry your wife once more when you see her consoling your son, who is a teenager, after his first girlfriend deserted him. The act of verbalizing the emotions that are evoked by mundane occurrences strengthens the connection between the two of you.
Imagine that you are speaking with someone you have just met for the first time.

Do you remember how, when you saw each other for the first time, you got the shivers up and down your spine and felt weak in the knees? That is an experience you can have more than once. Make an effort to communicate with her and extend an invitation to her. Prepare yourself for lunch with him by getting dressed up. You really ought to go out and buy some new undergarments.
You can develop intimate rituals.

This conversation is not about having sexual encounters. Why don’t you try waking him up with a piping hot cup of coffee rather than by setting the alarm and yelling at him to get up? What about giving her a relaxing soak in a warm bath in the evening? What about making Tuesday night, the night of the week when most married couples spend the evening riveted to the television? Perhaps you could give her a foot massage while you watch Netflix and eat a large bowl of popcorn. The key to success is consistency. Repeating these actions over and over again will eventually turn them into a kind of code that can only be understood by the two of you.
Massages are quite enjoyable.

Because the epidemic is still running strong, it may be difficult for you to get a massage, pedicure, facial, or anything else that helps you feel better. Taking care of your body will increase the likelihood that you will like using it. A improved flow of blood to key organs is a side benefit that comes with exercise for everyone, which is another reason why exercise is a wonderful approach to maintain your health.
New topics should be discussed.

Spend the next 15 minutes trying to have a conversation with your partner about something other than the kids, money troubles, or work frustrations. Describe the dream you had the night before to them. You were at the diner when you noticed a cute youngster who made you think of yourself when you were in high school and how you felt after giving the presentation earlier today. After the allotted amount of time has passed, your buddy will take the helm.
Go to an unfamiliar location on your own.

If you are able to pass quarantine, get away by yourself for a few days. Make a mental note of everything that attracts you to and excites you about your spouse while you are apart from them. Close your eyes and picture yourself having a passionate sexual encounter. Engage in some erotica with them while you’re on the phone. When you reach home, the look of your front hall will be like that of a king-size mattress. If you and your partner must spend time apart, here are some methods to maintain your connection.
Move it to a different room where it is being done.

You should all just stay at home together and ignore the children. Alter the setting of where you have your sexual encounters. You can have as much steam as you like while sitting in the hot tub or wrapped in a blanket in front of the fire.
The best course of action would be for you to write out your concerns.

Before you go to sleep, you should jot down your concerns and your list of things to do. The anxiety that prevents one from relaxing and being aroused is removed when one does what is described here.
Take your time getting started.

For one hour, you and your companion must avoid touching any part of each other’s bodies with your hands. In addition to that, you can use other areas of your body, as well as your imagination. Instead, you should caress each other using only your hands, avoiding the genital region while stroking every other part of the body. When you arrive home from a stressful day at work, this can alleviate any pressure you may have to immediately get back to work. In particular, women can take advantage of this time to unwind, get away from the monotony of their daily routines, and make the transition from their other (very non-sexual) duties.
Take a dozen oysters for dinner.

It is said that Casanova would start his day by eating 50 oysters off the breast of a young woman while soaking in the bathtub; therefore, oysters must have some beneficial properties. The creation of testosterone, which is the sex hormone in both men and women, requires zinc, which is abundant in oysters. Zinc is essential for the production of testosterone.
Only consume one (or two) cocktails.

Alcohol has the ability to create the mood, but drinking too much of it can snuff out the fire of desire.
Remember to get some lingerie.

Be sure to get at least one piece of seductive lingerie in your shopping bag. Your skin’s sensuous nerve endings will become more active when they come into contact with silk. Who can say what will take place after anything like that takes place?
Reenact the sexiest moment from your favorite movie.

You’re probably familiar with them because they appeared in the Flashdance lobster scene. The ice scene is scheduled to take place in nine and a half weeks from now. There’s the cheering routine that Mena Suvari does in American Beauty; Clark Gable carries Vivien Leigh up the stairs in Gone With the Wind; the pottery scene in Ghost; and Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood dancing in The Bridges of Madison County. All of these scenes are examples of iconic movie dance sequences.
Create a playlist full of romantic songs.

When your partner gets home, you should have it playing for them. You may also do something like light some scented candles while you’re there. The possibilities are endless.
Tell the person you care about that “I love you.”

Tell your partner at least two things about yourself that you adore every day. Love, affection, and a mutual respect for one another are the cornerstones of an exciting sexual life.
You should sext your lover.

When you arrive back home, you should explain to them in detail what it is that you wish to do.
Be sure to look for yourself.

Canoeing, skiing, or taking a long walk in the countryside are all great activities for couples to do together. When you engage in physical action, you feel a surge of physical vigor that easily transfers into a sense of intimacy with one another because it enables you to view each other in a new way.

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