According to science we are attracted to those who look like our parents

According to science we are attracted to those who look like our parents.

No, not quite like that. According to the findings of scientific research, the majority of people are attracted to others who share certain physical similarities with themselves and, by extension, share those same characteristics with their parents. It’s something that I’m sure you’ve either heard before or thought about yourself, which is that people are sometimes drawn to partners who look like their parents. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that.
Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist, is credited with being the first person to propose the idea that you might be attracted to your own parents. That would be him! It is known as the Oedipus complex in males (if you Google the reason for this, you will throw up), whereas the Electra complex is known in females.
According to the most recent findings in scientific research, neither the Oedipus complex nor the Electra complex can be considered to be all that scientific in reality. Any new research or statements that state these theories as fact are not valid since these conceptions have not really been proven scientifically; rather, they are all unproven theories. This means that any new research or claims that state these theories as fact are not valid.
According to the findings of a study that was conducted not too long ago by a researcher from Scotland named David Perrett who works at the University of St. Andrews, men are attracted to women who remind them of their mothers, while women are more interested in men who remind them of their fathers. In the end, they came to the conclusion that the study was defective and not honest. During the course of the research, each participant was shown a number of photographs of potential romantic partners. However, the participants were unaware that one of the photographs was actually a photograph of themselves that had been digitally altered to make them appear to be someone else of the opposite sex.
Therefore, when the participants found those changed photographs attractive, the research presumed that this was because the photos reminded the participants of their own parents. However, declaring facts in this manner is not at all consistent with the scientific method. It is almost as if the study shed light on an unforeseen aspect of the human brain, which is the question of whether or not all of us are simply a bunch of raving narcissists. I mean, are we so self-absorbed that we go through life liking ourselves or alternate versions of ourselves that are the polar opposite of our own similarities?
In our line of work, escorts frequently find themselves puzzling over the reasons behind a client’s preference for one particular escort rather than, for example, another cachet women escort. Therefore, after reading the news about this study or the lack of any scientific explanation behind it, we were left feeling a little perplexed and intrigued about the topic. It seems that rather than falling in love with people who are similar to our parents, we are really more likely to fall in love with ourselves. Then why do so many of our partners, the majority of whom bear absolutely no likeness to us at all?
The investigation indicated that it was actually something called the mere-exposure effect, which is a phenomena in which people develop a fondness for something simply because they are familiar with it. That, too, turns out to be a fallacy. One element that did stick out and seemed pretty clear is the fact that physical qualities, commonalities such as comparable education level, social environment, worldview, value systems, and lifestyles tend to enhance mutual attraction. This was something that was brought to light in this investigation.
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